Colormark Registration Sensors
Tri-Tronics is a pioneer in Colormark registration controls. All feature both NPN and PNP outputs. The traditional SmartEye Colormark, with the 10 LED contrast indicator, makes set up very easy. This control comes standard with a white LED which will sense most all colors. The use of glass fiber optics allows sensing in out of the way areas while still being able to see the sensing responses. The most commonly used P/N is CMSWL-1BF1. ColorMark II (PDF)
Tri-Tronics latest offering for Colormark registration is the SmartEye X-Mark. The X-Mark is a drop in replacement for your older European sensors while giving you the latest “state-of-the-art” features. There are 4 auto set modes, remote teach and a 8 LED bar graph to display the sensors performance. A White or Tri-Color LED model can be selected with a vertical or horizontal optic line. The most commonly used P/N is XMC-1P. X-Mark (PDF)
Tri-Tronics offers the Mark-Eye Pro for high speed registration applications. Response times of 45 microseconds for detecting light or dark marks. Easy to set with push button and remote set features. Pulse stretch timers, 10ms, 25ms and 50ms are selectable. The most commonly used P/N is MEP45WLCF4. MEP (PDF)
Tri-Tronics Mark Gap Sensors allows the web to be positioned in the slot for most translucent and transparent materials. This “thru-beam” approach eliminates flutter problems. Features a white LED, push to set and 15ms pulse stretcher. The most commonly used P/N is MEWLC. MEWL(PDF)
Leuze Electronics offers traditional registration mark sensing. Highly recognized in the printing and packaging industries.
DataLogic’s contrast sensor series is characterized by excellent performance in terms of resolution due to a RGB LEDs emission, fast response time and high switching speed. Push button teach provides for a quick setup. Color Registration Sensors (PDF)
Optex features small amplifiers for remote sensing utilizing plastic fiber optics.