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LNK-AI Analog Input Peripheral Device

LNK-AI Analog Input Peripheral Device

Adds 4 additional analog inputs to a gas detection system

The LNK-AI Analog Input peripheral device adds four channels of 4 – 20 mA or 0 – 10 volt analog inputs to a Modbus® network configured with one of the FCS Multi Channel System Controllers.



  • Parking Facilities
  • Vehicle Repair Shops
  • Manufacturing Plants
  • Food Processing Plants
  • Arenas and Pools
  • and many more…

Key Features

  • Four 4-20 mA input channels
  • Power LED indicator
  • Modbus® RS-485 RTU communication
  • Scaling and zoning capabilities supported by the ontroller
  • Configurable default settings for any interruption in communication
  • Standard water / dust tight, corrosion resistant enclosure


The LNK-AI Analog Input peripheral device adds four channels of 4 – 20 mA or 0 – 10 volt analog inputs to a Modbus® network configured with one of the FCS Multi Channel System Controllers.
The LNK-AI is designed to receive an analog signal from one to four transmitters and communicates back to the FSC using Modbus® RS-485. The FCS monitors the connection and will indicate a loss of communications.

Ideal for large applications to create an efficient distribution network of specialized gas detection devices with fewer wires running directly from the controller.

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Eagle Sensors & Controls - A Division of Excel Automation LLC